Geometry |
- Angle between two Simson lines Theorem by Antonio Gutierrez
- Angle Trisection by Bob Hesse Geometry Forum Articles
- Archimedean Solids (Pappus)
- Archimedes Book of Lemmas: Introduction. 1 - 15 Propositions on Circles by Antonio Gutierrez
- Thomas Banchoff's Project List
- Build a Rainbow (Gallery of Interactive geometry)
- cabri géomètre
- Circles of Light: The Mathematics of Rainbows (Gallery of Interactive Geometry)
- Computational Geometry Pages by Jeff Erickson
- Conic Sections (Visual Dictionary of Special Plane Curves) - Xah Lee
- Dave's Math Tables
- Deep Secrets - The Great Pyramid, The Golden Ratio and The Royal Cubit by L. Cooper
- Demonstration of the Archimedes' solution to the Trisection problem
- Elliptic Geometry Drawing Tools by Bill Findell
- EMAT 4600/6600 Problem Solving in Mathematics by Jim Wilson
- Encyclopedia of Triangle Centers by Clark Kimberling
- Erich's Packing Center by Erich Friedman
- Euclid's Elements, Introduction
- Byrne's edition of Euclid
- An Introduction to the Works of Euclid with an Emphasis on the Elements
by Donald Lancon Jr
- Euclid's Fourteenth Book - Ivars Peterson (MathLand)
- The Euler Number (Geometry and the Imagination)
- Exercises in Imagination (Geometry and the Imagination)
- Exercises in Math Readiness for University (EMR)
- Famous Curves Index
- A Field Guide to the Orbifolds (Geometry and the Imagination)
- A Gallery of Interactive On-Line Geometry University of Minnesota Geometry Center
- Galleries - Mathematical Imagery by Jos Leys
- The Geometer's Sketchpad® Key Curriculum Press, Innovators in Mathematics Education
- Geometric Sculpture of George W. Hart
- Geometrie bei MM-Physik by P.Krahmer
- Geometry by Paul Bourke
- Geometry Activities by Ephraim Fithian
- Geometry - Math League Help Topics
- Geometry ThinkQuest
- Geometry in Action - Applications of Discrete and Computational Geometry David Eppstein
- Geometry Algorithm Home
- The Geometry Applet version 2.2 A Java applet used to illustrate Euclid's Elements David E. Joyce
- Geometric Art Projects by Paul J Gies
- Geometry Center (Univ. Minnesota)
- Geometry Center - Sience U
- Geometry Construction Reference by Paul Kunkel
- Geometry Expressions Saltire Software
- Geometry Formulas and Facts by Silvio Levy
- Geometry Forum (Math Forum) at Drexel Univesity
- The Geometry Junkyard - David Eppstein
Combinatorial Geometry
Symmetry and Group Theory
Triangles and Simplices
Width and Diameter
- Geometry Problem of the Week Math Forum (Drexel University)
- Geometry Reference Archives
- Geometry Section Zona Land - Edward A. Zobel
- Geometry of the Sphere by John C. Polking - Rice University
- Geometry Step by Step from the Land of the Incas by Antonio Gutierrez
- Geometry and Topology is a fully refereed international journal
- Geometry Through Art by Norman Shapiro
- Geomview: 3D Visualization Software Geometry Center
- GrafEq Home
- Graph Theory Tutorials by Chris Caldwell
- Introduction to Geometry
- Jim King's Conic Macros
- Rotating 4D Hypercube by Andrew Hamilton
- Hypergami (Geometry Forum Institute - Summer 1995 by Michael Eisenberg and Ann Nishioka
- Building the Icosahedron as a Class Project - F.J. Wicklin
- The Interactive Geometry Software Cinderella
- Interactive Mathematics Miscellany and Puzzles, Geometry by Alexander Bogomolny
- Introduction to Symmetrics Author: Chaim Goodman-Strauss, revised and edited by Heidi Burgiel
- Introduction to Wall Paper Patterns Author: Chaim Goodman-Strauss, revised and edited by Heidi Burgiel
- JAVA Gallery of Interactive On-Line Geometry Geometry Center
- Johanneum Lüneburg Harmonie der Kegelschnitte Dr. Dörte Haftendorn
- Kali, Kali-Jot (Gallery of Interactive Geometry)
- The Landscape of Geometry Terms - Antonio Gutierrez
- The Magma System for Algebra, Number Theory and Geometry
- mathematical curves by Jan Wassenaar
- Mathematics Graphics Gallery by Xah Lee
- a home of hands-on geometry
- MathPages: Geometry
- Michael Thwaites' Ellipses
- Monge's Theorm and Desargues' Theorem, Identified
- Napoleon's Theorem Geometry Forum, Swarthmore College
- NonEuclid - Hyperbolic Geometry Article + Software by Joel Castellanos
- Non-Euclidean Geometry
- Origami Page (Modular) by Jim Plank
- Ovals and Egg Curves by Jürgen Köller
- Pedal Triangles
- Pentagram & the Golden Ratio by Thomas M. Green
- Pentagon & Trigonometry by L. Cooper
- Pictures from Knots and Links (Geometry Center)
- Pythagorean TheoremS by Thomas M. Green
- The Planimeter by Paul Kunkel
- Polyhedra by Eric Sasson
- Encyclopedia of Polyhedra --- Over 1000 Virtual Polyhedra by G.W. Hart
- Pavilion of Polyhedreality - images and geometry links - G.W. Hart
- Platonic Solids in All Dimensions by John Baez
- Polyhedra - Ceramic models of polyhedra by Sigfrid G. Fregert
- Polyhedra - Suzanne Alejandre - Math Unit
- Tom Gettys' Polyhedral Solids
- Regular Polyhedra by Alexander Bogomolny
- The Regular Polyhedra by George Olshevsky
- Studies into Polyhedra - Regular by Anthony Thyssen
- The Postulates of Special Relativity by Andrew Hamilton
- Problem Solving with Heron's Formula
- Projective Conics (Gallery of Interactive Geometry) Geometry Center
- Pythagorean Theorem by Jim Reed
- Pythagorean Theorem Alexander Bogomolny
- Pythagorean Triples by Eric S Rowland
- Pythagoras' Haven Euclid's Proof of the Pythagorean Theorem
- QuasiTiler (Gallery of Interactive Geometry)
- The Raft of the Medusa, Inspiration for Geometry problem solving with animation and fractals. by Antonio Gutierrez
- Reference Pieces on Space Euclid's Axioms and Postulates - Hilbert's Axioms of Geometry
- Symmetry and the Shape of Space by Chaim Goodman-Strauss
- Topics in Geometry by John O'Connor
- Tredjegradsekvationen av Peter Johansson
- Triangle: A Two-Dimensional Quality Mesh Generator by Jonathan Richard Shewchuk
- Triangle Centers by Clark Kimberling
- Triangles, Circles, and Waves (oh my!) - An Overview of Trigonometry by Kenny Felde
- Triangles in Elliptic Geometry (Thomas Banchoff's Project List)
- Vectors by Gene Klotz
- Viewing Four-dimensional Objects in Three Dimensions Geometry Center
- A Visual Dictionary of Special Plane Curves by Xah Lee
- Visual Geometry Pages Technical University Berlin
- WebPisces (Gallery of Interactive Geometry)
- Whistler Alley Mathematics (Formerly Kunkel's Mathematics Lessons)
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